Gia - session 205 - schooling at the Carolina Horse Park!

 I took Gia to the Carolina Horse Park today to school on the flat.  I tried something a little different with her today.  About 2 hours before I was planning to ride (which actually turned into 3 hours), I gave her a dose of a calming supplement called Total Calm and Focus.  I wasn't sure if it would actually help or not, but it was definitely worth a try, and it's completely legal to use at shows, by the way. 

She waited on the trailer while we schooled the others we brought down.  When it was her turn, she stood tied to the trailer very patiently while we groomed and tacked her up.  Then I took her out to lunge her.  I also tried something new with her there.  Per Charlie's advice, I used a rope halter when I lunged her.  That seemed to make a huge difference with her lunging!  When I lunge her at home, she typically stays in a nice, consistent (shape and size) circle.  At shows, however, she typically pulls hard in one direction (usually towards the trailer and her friends), and slacks off in the other.  With the rope halter, I was able to tug on her when she pulled on me to get closer to the trailer.  Because of the strategically placed knots in the rope halter, it becomes uncomfortable for her to keep doing that, as opposed to lunging her in a regular halter where the pressure is nice and flat and evenly distributed.  After just a few times around, she was making a nice, consistent circle, almost like she does at home.  She was also pretty lazy, however, the last time I lunged her at a show, she was lazy on the lunge and VERY tense under saddle.

Still, she seemed to be doing well, so I put her bridle on and mounted.  The beginning was tense.  She was trying to get back to the trailer (Pippa wasn't helping with all her hollering), she was nervous about a couple of neighboring ponies that were walking around, she was VERY nervous about trucks and trailers moving around.  I worked on the same things I had been doing in my lesson with Suzin to get her to stretch down.  And gradually, she started to relax and stretch at both the walk and trot!  This was the most relaxed she has felt at a show, and I definitely think the Total Calm and Focus had a lot to do with that!  By the end of our ride, she was even feeling confident, and almost cocky ☺.  I was tempted to get greedy and try to take her up to the dressage warm-up to play around, but I decided to quit while I was ahead and save that for next time.


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