Gia - session 199 - More flatwork

 Gia felt a little sullen when we started out today.  It's possible that she just wasn't feeling well, but it's also possible that it's because she had a different groom today.  Nothing against Vicky at all!  But sometimes, horses get used to a certain person handling them and then have a behavior change when they aren't around.  Gia is definitely a sensitive enough mare that things like that would affect her.  I think it just may be that Gia misses Danielle. 

Regardless, we worked on much the same stuff today.  She was not as enthusiastic to move off my leg today at the walk, possibly due to her sullen mood.  At the trot, when we were working on lateral stuff, she didn't even attempt to canter, which is definitely unlike her.  Once I asked for the canter, she did seem more excited, and we worked on staying up and out at the canter.  She only missed her right lead a couple of times, although she needs to get a little twisted in her body right now to make it happen.  We finished with a few halt transitions that were fairly prompt and obedient.


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