Gia - session 198 - "Ride the balance, not the gait"

 I had a lesson with Gia today after riding Butch.  I talked to Charlie about how I handled Gia's canter work yesterday - allowing the canter whenever she offered it, rather than making her wait and then asking her for it later on.  He agreed with me, that I shouldn't make a big deal out of it right now, and to pick my battles.  I think some people find it odd that I still take lessons, but, first of all, I'm not at the Olympics, so I still have a LOT to learn.  And secondly, I love having someone, who knows me and my horses and my riding, to bounce my thoughts off of when I'm training the horses I ride.  I love the reassurance that I am on the right track, as well as the corrections when I'm not.

Anyway, we did much of the same as our last lesson.  We basically played around with moving off my leg around the ring, and then jumping jumps, and working on the canter if she offered it. 

She took a new jump today with no problem, but stopped at the "globe" jump the first time over it today.  She also had a lot of nice moments at the canter, where Charlie reminded me to ride her "up and out".  And he said a phrase today that really stuck with me about her - "ride the balance, not the gait".  So, when she offers canter, ride for a balanced canter.  When she gets tired and trots after one circle, or even half a circle, let it go and ride the balance at the trot. She will eventually get stronger and be able to do more.

She only spooked once today (besides the stop at the globe jump), and it was at a person walking down the road.  Sigh.  I had to do quite a few circles to get her attention back on me and the work we were doing, but I was able to get her back.

She was much quieter in the trailer today, both before and after.  All in all, a good day with Gia!


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