Gia - session 194 - solo ride at CDP

 I was running a bit late today for my lesson on Butch with Charlie, so he wasn't able to fit in a lesson with Gia today.  So, I hopped on and rode a little on my own, pretty much working on the same things we had been.

I opted to go without my whip today.  She seemed a bit tense, and there was a lot of construction going on as well, so I was a little concerned that it might get in the way.  I ended up wishing I had it with me, so I'll probably take it the next time for sure!

I mainly worked on moving her off my leg on circles at the walk and trot.  We worked a little in the jump ring, and then moved to the dressage ring to finish up.  She was a little tense in both rings, but not too bad.  She was very resistant to move off my right leg today though (why I wish I'd had the whip to assist).  I was able to get her a little better to the right, and ended with a fairly good stretch down.

She had been extremely agitated in the crossties before I left my barn, but she was VERY quiet in the trailer, both there and back again.  Maybe it's the change in weather, but there were several horses out of sorts today besides Gia.  Horses ... 


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