Gia - session 190 - more flatwork and jumping

 I was expecting today's ride on Gia to not go so well.  It was a much cooler (and nicer) day than we have had in a long time, and she was very antsy in the crossties before she got on the trailer.  However, it turned out to be one of our best rides at CDP!

We warmed up with the usual - moving off my leg at the walk and trot on circles.  She was more responsive and less nervous and spooky today, so pretty quickly we started going over random poles on the ground around the arena.

She stepped a little big and unbalanced over the first few, but then settled into a nice trot, so we added the jump with the flower box.  No problem at all today!  We jumped that back and forth a few times.  In the beginning she cantered off of it fairly well on both leads in both directions, so we schooled the canter, working on keeping her neck up and out and not letting her get too round or tight.

Then Charlie set up the "globe" jump for us to take.  I'll have to remember to take a picture of it next time I'm out there.  It's a pretty imposing looking jump.  I definitely thought she would make a big deal out of it, but she went over it with no problems whatsoever!  We could have ended the ride there and I would have been on cloud nine, but we took a few more jumps, worked a little more on the canter we got, and even cantered over a pole or two on the ground.  It was so tempting to canter a small jump, but we didn't want to push it. ☺

This was definitely one of her best rides yet, and she felt very confident going around the ring and over the scary jumps.

She was quite ansty on the way home in the trailer though - not quite sure why.  Hopefully, she will outgrow that soon ....


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