Gia - session 189 - more of the same flatwork

 Today's ride was a bit brief since we had the vet coming out for routine fall stuff.

I pretty much did the same things with Gia today that I have been working on lately.

I started out by asking her to move off my leg on circles at the walk.  That was easy, so we moved on to leg yields at the walk, and that was also easy.  Next, I asked her to do a little exercise often called "nose-to-wall".  Basically, she stays along the rail, but I ask her to move her hind end towards the inside, while keeping her face close to the fence.  This one is a little more difficult, but she did ok.  I had to remind her not to go faster, using a lot of half-halts, since every time I cue her with my outside leg, she wants to speed up rather than move her hind end over.  Once she understands the cue, I won't have to use so many half-halts.  I was able to get three good responses, in each direction, three times.

Then we moved on to our usual work at the trot - moving off my leg on the circles.  She only got too quick occasionally, and only tracking right. 

Finally, we worked on the canter once in each direction before I had to get off.  It was very easy to the left, but she picked up a lot of wrong leads to the right.  She was definitely trying to figure it out though, and was able to get one correct one by the end.


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