Gia - session 182 - More homework!

 Gia and I worked on moving off my leg on circles at the walk and trot again today.  She had particular trouble moving off my right leg.  She was very resistant to it, and a bit pissy too.  At times, she got tired of me asking her to move off my leg, so she bucked up and kicked out.  I put her on a much tighter circle when she did that.  She did find it pretty easy to move off my left leg though.  I mostly stayed at the walk and trot with her today, but she did move into the canter a few times when she was trying to avoid my leg.  

Her acting out is probably due to frustration, however, it is still unacceptable behavior.  She is most likely frustrated because she is used to me asking her to move off my leg, but then she is able to balance on my hands.  I'm not providing that balance for her anymore, and she is not quite sure what to do.  

It's not that easy for me either.  To avoid the habit I have of using my hands too much, I'm purposely keeping a pretty loose rein, and putting both reins in one hand for the majority of my ride.  That helps prevent me from pulling too much on one rein.  However, in order to stay on a circle, which helps teach Gia to balance, I am having to use a leading or opening rein, especially to the right, when she is trying to go to the left so much.  Also, when a horse is unbalanced like this, it's hard to stay straight in the saddle.  So, I often have to hold the front of the saddle with one hand, so that I can maintain my own straightness and balance despite what Gia is doing.  If I let my body follow hers, then we both just keep spiraling down... 


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