Gia - sessions 158 and 159 - A chiropractic adjustment, a light ride, and work on opening and closing gates.

Gia took a trip to CDP Stables yesterday.  She gave me no problems whatsoever with her shipping boots, and even walked right on the trailer very promptly.  Once there, she walked on the walker until I was done with Butch.  

She had an appointment to see Cameron, from Breezeway Sporthorse Diagnostics while we were down there, so while we were waiting our turn, I walked her in the arena and we hung out in the "scary spots".  She was pretty quiet about those.

Cameron evaluated her at the walk and trot, as well as checking her body over for sore spots.  Her gaits were fantastic, but she was sore in a couple of areas - her right hind end, her right shoulder, her lumbar area just behind the saddle, and her withers.  We decided to do a chiropractic adjustment (her first!) and see how that helped her out.  She stood almost perfectly for it!  She was a little fidgety when other horses went by, but she didn't mind anything that Cameron was doing at all.

The only problem Gia gave me yesterday was with getting back on the trailer when we were ready to leave.  I have been parking on a grassy area, and I think she doesn't want to leave the grass.  I really had to pop her hard with her leadline a few times before she would get on.

When a horse gets adjusted, they need to have that day off, and then a light ride the next day, before going back to normal the day after that, so today was a light ride for Gia.  

I didn't do any lunging, I just hopped on and started with stretching at the walk, along with corners, diagonal lines and centerlines.  I did have to do a few circles, but only to help her get straighter and more correctly bent in the corners.

At the trot, we did the same stuff, with pretty much the same results. 

When I asked for the down transitions, she was prompt, submissive and obedient.  She almost halted perfectly square too!

We finished our ride today by taking a walk in the field.

It's a little too challenging just yet to ask her to stand while I open the gate from her back to exit the arena, so I asked Danielle to open it for me, but I did ask Gia to stand while I closed it.

Whenever I ask a horse to open or close a gate, I always take it in small stages.  First, we have to get out the arena without rushing through the gate.  She did that perfectly!  Then I have to ask her to move sideways to get close enough to the gate so that I can reach it.  She also did that quite well.  Then the horse has to stand still while I lean over to push the gate closed.  She was perfect for that part too!

After my walk in the field, which was a little tense, but uneventful, I worked on getting her to open the gate so we could go back in the arena.  

First, I had to get her close enough that I could reach the latch.  Then, she had to stand still while I leaned over and unlatched the gate.  Next, she had to stand still while I pushed the gate open.  And finally, she had to walk towards the gate, allowing me to open it further, without stepping backwards.  She was super about all of that!  It almost felt like she knew exactly what we were trying to do, and she was trying to help me out!  This was her second time closing the gate, but it was her first time opening it.  I don't think I've ever had it go this smoothly before!  Who knows, if she doesn't make it as an eventer, she could always be a competitive trail horse!


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