Gia - session 170 - Gia walks, trots and canters in the fancy dressage arena!

Our trip to CDP stables today was uneventful.  I opted not to use hind shipping boots until I can get the correct size, since the smaller ones are causing so much trouble.

After my ride on Butch, I tacked Gia up and mounted at the trailer, without taking her into the arena for a pre-ride walk around the scary things.  She was a little nervous, especially about the Gator, but once I let her check it out, she was a bit more relaxed. 

After our walk work in the jump ring (where she has typically been working), we moved into the dressage arena.  She was still a little worried about the rails and letters, but much less so than last time.  So, I decided to try our trot and canter work in the fancy ring. 

She was fantastic!  Her trot work felt so obedient yet full of suspension and energy without being fast.  Her canter work was very correct and also obedient.  Since she did so well, I decided to keep it short, and we only cantered once in each direction.

To finish our ride, I took her for a short walk down the road, next to the arenas, to go back to the barn.  This is a route we hadn't previously taken, so there were new things to look at, namely the shadows on the scary road surface.  After one or two mild spooks (nothing like the pole from yesterday), she accepted the scary path and we made it back to the trailer in one piece.

We finished our day with a nice bath in the outdoor wash pit.  She was much more relaxed walking through the barn and standing in the wash pit today!

Today's session was so good, that I think we are ready to try a lesson with Charlie next week.  Stay tuned!


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