Gia - session 160 - Haunches-in!

I had a VERY busy day today, so I had to keep Gia's ride brief again.

We warmed up with the usual.  But, she was feeling a bit stuck in her haunches.  I really needed to be able to move them over more than I was getting with just circles and bending and leg yields.

So, I decided to see if she would give me some haunches-in.

Briefly, haunches-in is a move where the front feet stay on the rail, and the haunches move to the inside of the track.  (I can go more in depth on this another day when I'm not so pressed for time :) ).

Gia was amazing about it!  I got way more than I bargained for when I asked her for the movement.  Of course, sometimes she did too much, but she'll figure it out.

We finished our ride with another walk in the field, including opening and closing the gate.  She really seemed to understand what to do with that today!


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