Gia - session 155 - Shipping boots!

This will probably come as no shock to anyone, but Gia was a little dramatic with her shipping boots today.

As promised, I got a video of it. ☺

Amazingly though, she loaded up very quickly and gave me no problems there.  Maybe she decided the trailer wasn't as scary as these things that were suddenly attacking her legs!

Anyway, once we got to CDP, she unloaded fine and walked on the hot walker a bit.

I lunged her to warm up, and she wasn't stiff again today either.  She was almost perfectly behaved ... that is, until she saw Angus.  Dun, dun, DUNNN!  (She really wasn't bad, but she did raise her head and check him out).

I took her into the arena to hang out in the scary places - the gazebo, the road side of the arena, the scary wall jump, the end of the arena where Angus was hanging out.  She was actually pretty comfortable in all those spots today.

Under saddle, things started very relaxed, and she was even going well past all the scary spots, with only a little looking and sideways movement.

However, she caught sight of someone brushing off their boots on the side of the arena, and it was all over.

I guess now I'm being a little dramatic, but it took me a ton of circles to get her to go past the gazebo again.  And suddenly, all the other places were filled with demons too.

I did manage to get her to a somewhat more relaxed state, and then we called it a day.

It was one of those rides where we both left feeling like it didn't go very well though.  😐  Luckily, those done't happen very often, but looking back, I think I could have praised her more when she did do well instead of harping so much on the spots that were terrifying.  It didn't help that it was stifling, and we were both tired.

She tied very well to the trailer, but she was a little difficult to get into the washpit today.  In her defense there were fans on and a drying rack.  Oh my!

She was pretty tense for her bath, and very upset when I sprayed her face.  I persisted through her tantrum, and only pulled the water away when she relaxed.  I went back to her face with the water a few more times, and each time she relaxed a bit more.

She was a bit difficult to get on the trailer at the end.  I'm not really sure why.  Maybe it was just too overwhelming of a day for her.  I did eventually get her on, and she was fine when we got home.


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