Gia - session 151 - Another outing at CDP, and an Angus sighting!

Gia loaded on the trailer very easily today.  So, next week, I will most likely do a video of her in shipping boots for the first time.  Stay tuned! 

Gia walked on the hot walker while I rode Butch, and then tied, uneventfully, to the trailer while I tacked her up, despite the mowing and weedeating going on around her.

I lunged her at the walk and trot today to warm up.  This was the most relaxed she has been since she's been coming to CDP!  I also noticed that she started out a little stiff, and not really pushing from behind, which is kind of what I've been feeling under saddle lately.  I pushed her to trot a little bigger, and to use herself, and to stretch down and that really helped a lot.  I think she's been stiff from not using herself as much, and just needs to work it out. 

Once that was good, I walked her around the arena.  I sat and perused my phone for missed messages and emails whenever she seemed tense about a certain area, namely the gazebo.  Charlie commented that I should do the same thing with Butch.  I commented back that no matter how much I desensitize Butch, he will probably never get over his gazebo phobia.  I think Charlie agreed. ☺

We were able to get all the way around the arena, in one direction, only having to stop and hang out in a couple of spots.  When I rode in those areas today, they were much better too!  My only real problem area under saddle was the far corner where a car, and the little dog, Angus, were hanging out. 

I spent a lot of time at the walk - circling when needed, corners, diagonal lines and centerlines, and LOTS of stretching down.  She gave me her best free walk yet!  Then I trotted the same routine.  Other than the car and Angus, there was just one jump that bothered her, so we will spend a little time hanging out there next time.

While riding, Susan commented that, no offense to Butch, but she thought Gia was a much nicer horse!  I do think she's got him beat in the flat work.  We'll have to wait and see about the jumping though. ☺

Gia was a little hesitant to load on the trailer, and I don't think she liked the fans that I turned on for her (yet).  She did quite a lot of piaffeing at traffic lights, but she was fairly quiet when I got home.


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