Gia - session 149 - A little riding, more mane pulling

I did the same under saddle stuff today that I did on Wednesday with Gia.  She was much less fidgety and grumpy when I mounted today.

We had a few "scary" jumps set up in the arena that I had been using with one of the other horses I rode today.  I decided to leave them up, even though we wouldn't be jumping them, just so Gia could get used to riding around them.  I had her circle each jump in each direction, asking for bend and counterbend.  She really didn't seem to care about them at all!

The walk and trot work felt a bit better today, but I still kept it brief and simple.

Afterwards, I finished pulling her mane.  She was a little fussy and fidgety at first, but eventually, she almost fell asleep.  I fussed at her when she would shake her head or push up against her poll, and made sure to tell her "good girl" whenever she was quiet.


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