Gia - session 148 - A little riding, and some mane pulling

I started Gia out with a lot of walk today.  She was fussy again when I went to get on her, but a little better than yesterday.

She was also a bit tense and tight, so we did a lot of circles with stretching until she was more relaxed.  Then we worked on corners, diagonal lines and centerlines at the walk.

At the trot, she felt more symmetrical, although she did feel like she wasn't pushing off from behind as good as she usually does.  I kept the trot work to just circles and stretching.  She typically feels a little stiffer to the right, but today she felt stiffer to the left.

After our brief ride, I decided to work on pulling her mane again.  She was a little fussy right at the top, near her poll, but pretty quiet once I started to move farther down her neck.  I got about half of her mane done today, and I'll probably finish it up on Friday.


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