Gia - session 145 - Fireworks!

Gia was very sleepy in the crossties today, but as I was getting on her, she was very fidgety.  I got her to stand still, but when I asked her to move forward, she felt like a ball of energy about to explode.  I got off and decided to lunge her first.

Good decision!

As soon as I sent her out on the lunge line, she bucked and twisted up in the air!

I spent a lot of time sending her forward, fussing at her when she was naughty, bringing her back, and sending her forward again.  When she was good with trot/canter work, then I had her repeat it at the walk/trot.  Then I had her change directions and go again.  

When she was much more relaxed, I got back on, and proceeded with a pretty decent ride.

I didn't ask for too much after that - just our usual walk and trot warm up, which went perfectly fine.  I was a little pressed for time, and I wanted to reward her for behaving better the second time.

We are all allowed a bad day, so hopefully, that's all this was ... 


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