Gia - session 143 and 144 - more riding at CDP, more flat at home

Another busy week, so no time to write about yesterday's adventures.

Gia did SUPER at CDP yesterday!

She was fairly good with the trailering, although a little hesitant to get back on to go home, and very "piaffey" when we were almost home.

She walked on the hot walker while I had my lesson on Butch.  Then I tied her to the trailer, very uneventfully, while I groomed and tacked her.

I warmed her up with some lunging, just at the walk and trot, to focus and relax.  She was really good with that, and only got upset when she heard someone start weedeating.  Her "new" reaction, anytime something upsets her, is to buck and kick out.  Hopefully, this is just temporary, and just on the lunge.

Once I was ready to ride, I took her into the arena and just hung out in the "scary" part for a while on the ground with her.  I sat on the fence and checked my email, while Gia decided that the gazebo and the tractor were not actually going to kill her.  Once she seemed more relaxed, I hopped on.

The riding was fabulous!  She was super relaxed, even with another horse galloping around in the arena.  We walked and worked on stretching and bending at the walk, and then, when that was good, at the trot.  She did not seem worried about anything at all yesterday!  Of course, the little dog was only briefly seen, as he walked down the road, but otherwise, she was really good.

She was pretty sweaty afterwards, so I decided to try her in the wash pit.  Their wash pit is a bit different from mine, so that, in and of itself, makes it scarier.  She did ok.  She was definitely tense and worried, but seemed to relax a little by the end.

Today's ride was pretty uneventful as well.  I was pressed for time, so I kept it a bit brief today - just walking and stretching on circles, diagonal lines and centerlines.  And then all that at the trot as well.  We did have time to go over some trot poles.  She was a bit quick at first, but slowed down by the end.

I also bathed her again today.  She was a bit more relaxed this time around. 


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