Gia - session 121 - Halt transitions

Today, we repeated all the same things we did on Monday.  Gia was a little lazy on the lunge, so I had to get after her at first, but only really in the beginning.  She was also a bit grumpy about picking up the canter today.  Two steps forward, one step back ...

Under saddle, she was great with her consistent circles at the walk and trot.

Her centerlines at the walk and trot were ok.  Her body really wanted to fall to the right.  I had to focus on keeping my elbows in, keeping equal weight in both stirrups, and reminding her to move off my right leg.  We were able to get three decent centerlines at both gaits by the end.

Today's new item was halting on centerline.  This is definitely something that she needs lots of work on, and something that will probably take her a while to get.

I took a video of our halts from start to stop (he he he).  You can see that it takes a while for her to respond to the cue in the beginning.  When I ask for the halt, I apply a "holding" leg and half halts, or check releases, in rhythm with her walk.  When she comes to a complete halt, I release, pat her and tell her "good!"  Her last one took much less effort, so I let her end on that!


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