Gia - session 115 - Pessoa and walk/trot under saddle

I started Gia on the lunge line working in the Pessoa.  She was a bit lazy and grumpy today.  She did a lot of ear-pinning whenever I asked her to move forward, so we worked through it.  Anytime she pinned her ears, I would send her more forward.  She was becoming much better behaved by the end.

Under saddle, I worked at the walk and trot, asking her to bend and counter bend.  I took two videos today at the walk - one where I was not asking her stay on specific circles, but rather letting her go kind of where ever she wanted.  In the second video, I am being more insistent that she stay on similar sized circles, in the same spot in the arena, and still asking her to bend, counter bend and stretch.

It was definitely harder for her to maintain the more correct geometry, but she is ready for more discipline in that department.  I think it's fine to allow more freedom when a horse is learning what you want, but Gia has a pretty good understanding of bending and counter bending, so she needs to step it up a notch.

I will get a video of the same thing at the trot when I work with her next time.


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