Gia - session 110 - I finally get to ride again!!

I started Gia's workout today exactly like we have been doing the past few times - lunging on the line with the neck stretcher, working on stretching down at the walk, trot and canter, and working on her behavior with the up transitions.

Everything went super, and she was really relaxed, and it wasn't windy, and it wasn't too cold.  So ... I decided I was finally ready to get back in the saddle after not being on her in almost 2 months!!

Since I am still working on getting her back into shape, I decided to keep this first ride very easy - just walking.  All we really worked on was stretching down at the walk, on 15 meter-ish circles, with a little bit of bend, in each direction.

I think she did better with this work today than she had done the last time I rode her!  She was absolutely relaxed.  Nothing bothered her at all, and she was almost lazy, which I was fine with ☺.  And when the guy across the street started power washing, she didn't even flinch.  She was also very quick to give me the stretch that I was asking for.  Each time she did, I rewarded her with the word "good", and a big release.  I believe she even stretched down further than she did when I was working with her before she got sick. 

As soon as I got a nice deep stretch on the circle in each direction, I ended our ride and hopped off. 

I did forget one thing though - how far down the ground is when I'm on her.  Either I've been riding too many small horses, or she grew, because it felt a lot further away today!


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