Gia - session 98 - more centerline!

Gia was a bit naughty to begin with today.  I didn't see how things started out, when Katie went to get her, but when I did catch a glimpse of them, Gia was trying to eat hay from the hay hut, and pinning her ears each time Katie approached her to put the halter on.  I had to coach Katie through the best way to handle this situation.  Gia is very large, so she can be quite intimidating when she decides to misbehave.  However, knowing Gia the way I do, she is VERY easily humbled, but you do have to get after her harshly, and most importantly, IMMEDIATELY!  I instructed Katie to put Gia to work immediately by using the leadline to drive her away and into a trot.  As soon as Katie made Gia work, she started to realize the error of her ways, and started lowering her head in apology.  I had Katie work her for about 5 minutes, until Gia was solidly sorry - lowering her head, and licking and chewing - before Katie relaxed and allowed Gia to come up to her, now much more humble.  Gia learned this exercise very early in life, and it comes in very handy on days like this.  Gia is really no different than any other young being, whether horse or human or whatever other species.  They all want to get their way, and if they don't get their way, then they are prone to tantrums.  Unfortunately, when Gia throws a tantrum, it can be a little scary.  The key is to be scarier.  The consequence for any horse on my farm that demonstrates bad behavior is to work.  Horses much prefer to be still and not exert themselves, so forcing them to work is a great way to send the message that the behavior they are exhibiting is unacceptable.  Gia learned this lesson way back when she was only a few months old, and remembers it well.  It is a great "go to" exercise anytime she misbehaves.

The rest of her day went pretty well, and very much like Wednesday's session.  Her lunging was very stretchy again today.  I did start out tracking right again.  She was a little grumpier when I asked her to go forward, especially to the left, though.  Under saddle, we worked on the same things.  I added work down centerline at the end again today.  I started out at the walk down centerline, and progressed to the trot when things had improved.  Today seemed a bit easier on centerline than it was on Wednesday.  I will include a few videos from the side and from the front, at both the walk and trot, of us working on centerline.  I want to point out the "funnel" shape that I use with my hands, that I mentioned in my last blog.

Let me know if you have any questions about it!


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