Gia - session 73 - Best ride yet!

Today started out normal enough.  But, by the time Gia was tacked up and ready to go, it had become quite windy.  I was leaning towards not riding her, but decided to play it by ear.  I started her out on the lunge line, as usual.  We had a lot of rain this weekend, so there was a big puddle in one corner of the arena, along with some trot poles, so we headed down to that end.  The first few times she approached the water, she stopped and checked it out, then hesitatingly walked through it.  I allowed the stop, especially since she didn't look like she was trying to get away from it, just trying to understand it.  Each time through, I encouraged her to keep moving, even if slowly, and praised her heavily when she made it completely through.  Trotting over the poles was a no-brainer today, and after several times through, the big puddle was fun not scary!  We did the same thing in the opposite direction, but she hardly slowed down.  She really seemed to enjoy the water!  She wasn't distracted by anything outside the arena today, and she wasn't getting excited by the wind at all, so I decided to ride.

We took our time at the mounting block.  She was a little better about it today, but still needed some strong reminders to stand still.  Once we got moving, she gave me the best walk she's ever done right at the beginning! She was relaxed, interested in her work, walking over the poles with no problem and very focused on me.  Her trot work was just as good, if not better!  She was nicely forward, more so than usual, but not in a scared-and-thinking-of-running-away type of forward.  She trotted over every pole with no problem, and right through the water in each direction with no hesitation at all!  She even moved off my leg, in either direction, when asked.  We were also able to focus on being nicely straight and centered over each pole.  She is a nicely sensitive horse.  She does a lot better with what I am asking of her when I give her quiet, clear aids, but she is not overly sensitive and over-reacting to my aids either.  It's a really nice combination!

I rode for just a short while and then hopped off to work on clipping.  I really wanted to canter today, but the round pen was quite sloppy from all the rain, so hopefully we will get to try it again on Wednesday.  Meanwhile, Rebecca held her to graze while I turned the clippers on.  She was slightly nervous and half heartedly tried to pull away,  but she was easily coaxed to relax.  She touched the clippers herself, and then stood perfectly still, like a statue, for me to clip the right side of her jaw line.  This was definitely the best she has done for the clippers too!

My session with Gia was absolutely amazing!  Hopefully, she will keep making big strides forward!


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