Gia is doing much better!

Just a quick update about Gia - she spent a couple of weeks in solitary confinement, only to find out that what she had was due to a failure of one of her vaccinations she received in September, and that she was never contagious at all.  Oh well, better safe than really sorry!  In the 32 years that I have had horses, I have never had this happen before, and my vet said he's only dealt with it five times in his career, so it's definitely just a fluke thing.  She was really only sick for a few days, but spent the rest of the time in quarantine just in case what she had was contagious.  However, she is still a little wheezy when she works, so I am giving her another week or so off before bringing her back to work.  I don't think I'll really need to bring her back in slowly, since she wasn't doing too much in the first place, but I'll play it by ear and see how she feels.  I did have to work her a little while she was sick.  A few times, she got a little bit of a nasty attitude when I went to feed her, so I would make her work out on the edge of the round pen that she occupied, until she was more submissive and humble.  By the end, she was polite the majority of the time that I fed her.  Hopefully, she'll be back to her riding self soon!


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