Gia is sick :(

In case you were wondering why you haven't seen any blog posts about Gia for the last few days, it's not because you missed any, it's because she has been sick.  She first came down with symptoms on Friday.  I had the vet out to check her out and pull some blood and fluid samples.  We are still awaiting results from the tests, but I have not been able to work with her since last Wednesday.  I have had to keep her in quarantine, separated from the other horses, and feed her and take care of her myself, after I am done with whatever I am doing with the other horses for the day.  I have not been able to work her, however, she must have missed it, because she was difficult to catch on Saturday evening so that I could take her temperature, and I had to free lunge her until she showed signs of submission.  She's just as upset about being locked up in a small space as I am! 

For the most part, she has been a decent patient.  She has always been a bit grumpy about meal time.  I'm not usually the one who feeds her, but now that I am that person, this is giving me an opportunity to work on her meal manners.  When I put her grain and hay out for her, she has to keep a safe distance from me until I am finished.  Once I'm done, if she has her ears back, I will not allow her to approach, and I will push her away (similar to when I lunge her).  When her ears are forward, and she is more pleasant in her attitude, I will allow her to come in to eat.  She was quite naughty the first time, but has definitely improved since. 

I am also having to handle her more around her face.  Hopefully, this will help her get over some of her issues with being touched on her head.  I have often found that having to handle a horse more often when they are sick or injured makes for a great chance to really work with the horse on some of the ground manners that we might otherwise let go.  I'm probably looking at about a month of this, so Gia should be an angel when all is said and done!  Wish me luck!


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