Gia - session 33 - Gia gets backed for the first time!!

Ashleigh made it back to Knightdale to help back Gia on Wednesday.  Here is what she wrote about the experience:

"Gia's first ride!  We started out the same as last week, but she was even quieter. She stood perfect for tacking up. She did take a little while to join-up, but mostly because she was feeling lazy and wanted to eat the little bit of grass in the round pen.  Once she got going she listened very well.  We went through all of the same steps: lunging, boat bumpers, and long lines.  I took my time double checking that she was listening and relaxed with every step.  The good thing about Gia is that she is very easy to reward, you just have to let her take a break and give her scratches.  Finally it was the big moment.  Heather held Gia, while Katie assisted with the grain rewards. 
  First I stood on the mounting block and patted her back and sides. Next I leaned over her back and put my weight on her.  Gia was WAY more interested in the grain than me!  Next I slowly moved my leg over so I was sitting astride (again, she just ate grain).  Next we walked a few steps before she got a reward. 
  Since she was good with that we moved on to circles on the right and left with me directing her.  I used my leg along with the voice cue. Once again Gia was perfect!  Next we trotted out on a lunge line (for safety).  I asked her to trot and allowed her to stop, increasing the amount of trot before she got a reward. She was still listening and being amazing, so we did the same off of the lunge line.  We ended when she had trotted 5 times before getting a reward.  Overall Gia was amazing, and didn't have any concerns about being ridden!"

I would like to add that I have worked with a lot of young horses, teaching them all the same ground work, and taking them through all the same steps.  I have NEVER had a horse so non-chalant about having a person on their back for the first time.  Most horses are at least a little worried, or concerned or curious, but Gia barely even flicked an ear back when Ashleigh was getting on, and did not even care when we took the grain away so she could trot.  I was definitely surprised since she has been very flighty about many other things in her training.  Now, all this being said, sometimes the second time sitting on a horse (or even the third) is a little more dramatic than the first.  I guess we'll find that out tomorrow ...


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