Gia - session 23 - Katie is really enjoying working with Gia!

From Katie on this past Wednesday:

Gia did really good in some areas but not so great in others. When I brought her in, there was a lot of activity going on, so we stopped a few times to check out the “scary” stuff before we got to the cross ties. We added some clippers, turned on, across from her in the cross ties, so she could get used to the noise. This didn’t bother her at all, and she was still perfectly quiet while I was grooming and tacking her. We then went up to the round pen, and did the usual: free lunging with the boat bumpers at her girth, and then I put her on the lunge line and moved the bumpers to her flank. She was quiet for everything with no bucking at all, until I asked her to canter with the bumpers at her flank. She bucked several times while cantering, and each time I pulled on the lunge line until she stopped. It took a while to get her to stop bucking every time she cantered, but eventually she did canter quietly. So, we managed to end on a good note despite a few issues. 


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