Gia session 21 - Katie works with Gia again

I'm still crazy busy, and Katie really had a great time working with Gia, and did a great job with her as well, so I let her have at it again.  Here is how it went:

Hello again!

So today I worked Gia again, and she did really well just like before. I brought her in, and she stood like a statue while I was grooming and tacking her in the cross ties. After she was tacked up, we went up to the round pen to work with the boat bumpers. Like before, I free lunged her with the bumpers by her shoulder. She was very good and was licking and chewing the whole time for both directions. So, I pulled her in and moved the bumpers back by her flank and put a lunge line on her. When I sent her back out, she did buck a couple times, but it was not as many as last time when she took a while to settle down. Each time she bucked I pulled on the lunge line until she stopped. The bucks were super small, so she wasn’t putting much effort into them. Then she went back to trotting quietly both directions. Overall, she did great today!



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