Gia - session 20 - Gia gets a new handler (for a day)

I know it's been a while since I have blogged about Gia.  I have had a LOT going on at the farm lately, along with a brief get-away, so I haven't been able to work with her since the horse show a few weeks ago.  Today, I was busy as usual, but I had one of my advanced students grooming and tacking for me.  When we talked about working with Gia, I said that I probably wouldn't have time to get to her again today.  Katie casually mentioned that she wouldn't mind working with her, if I wanted.  Katie knows how to do most of the stuff that Gia has been working on anyway, so I thought, why not?  It would be good to see how Gia did for someone else too.  So, I explained, in detail, what we had been doing, and set them to work.  I asked Katie to write about her experience with Gia today, and I've included it below.  Enjoy!

Hey everyone!

I worked Gia today for my first time, and she’s fun to work with! When I brought her in, she was pretty tense because there was a lot of activity going on, but even though she was nervous, she still handled being groomed and tacked like a pro. She was super patient for me when I was learning how to put a Western saddle on (which I’ve never done before). After she was all tacked up and ready to go, we headed up to the round pen for her work with the boat bumpers. Again, I have never worked her before, so I don’t know how she is normally, but when I attached the bumpers by her girth area and started free lunging her, she was great! She didn’t hesitate at the walk and trot and was licking and chewing the whole time with her head down. After we worked on that for a bit, I moved the bumpers back to her flank area. I put her on a lunge line for this, just so I’d have more control if she bucked. She was annoyed with the bumpers there at first. She did try to buck a couple times, and each time I pulled on the line until she stopped bucking. We did this a couple of times until she was quiet. Then I changed directions with her, and after that she was perfect! She went back to trotting quietly with her head down and licking and chewing. We did that both directions, but she didn’t even consider bucking after the first few minutes. Overall, she was great, and I hope to work with her more in the future!



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