Gia - session 5 - more of the same

I worked with Gia today on the same things we have done the last two sessions.  She was very willing to touch the scary flapping tarp today.  She didn't even flinch!  She was slightly startled by a plastic bag (only slightly though), and quickly touched it when she realized she would get a yummy grassy reward for doing so.  She was even pretty nonchalant about it!  She was super quiet for her grooming session.  She did move a little when I saddled and girthed her, but I really think it was more because she was trying to get the grass near the edge of the round pen.  When I moved her into the middle of the round pen to finish girthing, she was pretty still.  When I put her to work around the round pen, the saddle was definitely a non issue.  Her only issue was figuring out how to get me to let up on the pressure so that she could come in the middle and rest again.  She thought about intimidating me a few times, but as soon as I saw the glimmer in her eye, I made her change direction and work a little harder.  She quickly decided that was more trouble than it was worth.  She relaxed and submitted much more quickly today than she has thus far.  The plan for the next session is to add the bridle.  I'm not expecting any drama, but you never know ...


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