Gia - session 3 - more round pen work, and saddling

I worked with Gia today again in the round pen, repeating what she has done the last two times.  Just like on Tuesday, she was quick to be submissive and respectful.  As a reward, she received another good long grooming session.  Then it was time to add something new - the saddle.  It wasn't completely new, since she did wear the saddle a lot last year, but it's been about 6 months, so she definitely needed a refresher.  I did not really need to desensitize her to the process of putting it on, like I'm sure I had to do last year.  She did move around a little bit while I put the saddle pad and then the saddle on, but not too bad.  She did not move at all while I tightened the girth.  Once I had the saddle on and the girth tight, I asked her to move around the round pen.  It's one thing to be quiet when the saddle is on and the horse isn't moving, but when they start moving, they feel all sorts of things going on with the saddle on their back, and that will often get some reactions.  She did react a little.  She put her head down several times and tried several "gentle" bucks.  Each time she did, I would give her a "buzz" sound, and walk straight at her head to stop her and get her to turn around.  I wanted her to see that this behavior was unacceptable.  It took a little while before she decided it wasn't really worth the effort to keep trying to get rid of the saddle.  When she made that decision, she was able to let go of some tension, and again give me the signs of submission and respect.  I don't remember how she behaved last year when I first saddled her, but I don't remember much drama then either.  Once she relaxed and submitted, I allowed her to have a break while I rubbed and loved on her a little.  I sent her back out to work through the tension a couple more times (I like to do things in groups of threes), but both times she submitted almost immediately.  My plan will be to go through this a few more times, until she does not have any tension about carrying the saddle, and has no hesitation to submit and relax. 

Gia, after she has decided that the saddle is not too bad


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