So, the last 6-7 months have been a bit crazy. You may be wondering why I wasn't blogging, and partly that was due to my own injury, and partly that was due to Gia's surgery. Let me back up. Early in July last year, I had a "bit of a fall" off of Phillip, while schooling cross country. I immediately knew something wasn't quite right, but luckily, it didn't hurt too bad. When I stood up, I could feel my right arm dangling quite a bit from my shoulder socket. When I visited my doctor a few days later, he confirmed that I definitely had injured my shoulder, but he couldn't tell me how bad it was without an MRI. We discussed doing PT first vs an MRI first, and we both decided PT would be the route to go first. Unfortunately, there was no improvement after two weeks, so I scheduled the MRI. It took a few weeks to get on the schedule, and then another week to get in to see the doctor for the results, but basically, I had F'd it up real good...
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