Baker training session 18 - more repetition

I worked with Baker today for about 16 minutes.  I started out by putting his halter on, which he was very good for.  In fact, he came right up to me today, and followed me as I walked through his field to put his groom bucket near the "tying tree".  He ended up being much closer to me than he was to his mom.  He is definitely becoming more independent!  After I put his halter on, I led him to the tree.  I did use the butt rope today, but I only had to apply pressure with it twice, and he walked much more willingly beside me today, with much less stopping.  Once at the tree, I "tied" him by running the lunge line through the ring and holding it myself.  I started out with the flyspray again today.  He did still struggle quite a bit, probably about as much as he did on Wednesday, but that was the only time he tried to pull away from me at all.  After I had successfully flysprayed him all over, I spent time grooming him with all his brushes.  He loves that part so much!  He also stood perfectly still for me to pick up and tap on all four feet.  Recently, my farrier, Rusty, had been out to see him.  He told me that he handled Baker all over, and that Baker was really good for him.  Rusty hasn't had to trim him yet, but he will definitely be needing it soon.  That will be the real test!  Once I was all done grooming him, I "untied" him and led him back towards Fiona.  He was very anxious to get back to her, so we had to practice a lot of halting on the way.  Towards the end, he did halt nicely about two times.  Another first for him today was his first time biting me.  It's inevitable that a baby will bite, or try to bite.  They are just like small children - always putting things in their mouths to test things out.  He has "tasted" me a few times before, but mostly with his lips, I had never felt his teeth until today.  It didn't hurt - it was more like a sharp pinch - but I think he was mad at me because I wouldn't let him hurry back to Fiona.  The first time I stopped him from running to her, he reached right over and nipped me on the arm.  The only way to discipline biting is quickly and severely.  He must learn immediately that this behavior is NOT acceptable, especially since he has potential to be a stallion (stallions are more likely to bite than geldings or mares).  I immediately yanked on his leadline and made him take several steps backwards.  I'm pretty sure he got the idea.  He did not try it again after that.  I'm sure he will try it again soon, but he will be on the lookout for a reprimand, so he might be a little more cautious about it.  Once we got all the way to Fiona, and he was behaving politely, I asked him to put his head down, and I took off his halter.  Overall, today was a pretty good day of repetition.  I would like to see him stand more quietly for the flyspray before I add anything new though.  Maybe next time . . . .


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