Gia - session 1030

I worked with Gia yesterday on her flatwork. We did a lot of work on her impulsion before we could work on her straightness, but we also had to work on her impulsion a lot throughout the ride. She can be deceptively "forward". She seems "fast", especially because she is big and covering a lot of ground. However, speed and ground cover don't always mean that the horse is actually forward, or one of the other many terms you may have heard used - "in front of the leg", "having impulsion", "having activity", etc. A horse with impulsion is a horse with ENERGY. That energy is created by your leg, and/or whip, spurs, etc, or the horse might have it's own natural energy. But what is the difference between impulsion and speed? My logical brain, likes to go to the scientific side of things to help explain. Impulsion explained scientifically, would be called kinetic energy, and the formula for that would be: The scientific formul...