Baker training session 39 - first round pen work!
Yesterday, I worked with Baker for about 46 minutes. He has been getting a little big for his britches, so I decided it would be a good time to start working with him in the round pen. I started out by just getting him to move forward away from me. He was very distracted by working in a new environment, and all of the "new" things around him. He spent a lot of time looking outside the round pen, and trying to get away from me. My main goal with this first session in the round pen, was to get him to focus on me, and ignore everything going on outside of the round pen. Basically, every time he turned his back to me, or his hind end in this case, I would make him move away, usually at the trot, but sometimes he cantered on his own, so that he understood that to not focus on me meant that he had to work. As soon as he would turn and face me, I would stop making him work, and allow him to have a break. Most of the time when he turned to face me, he would also come towards me, so...