Baker training session 36 - more clipping
I worked with Baker for 30 minutes on Friday. He was quite sweaty, thanks to this warmer than usual weather we have been having, so I started out by giving him a bath. He thoroughly enjoyed it, and stood very still while I hosed him down and scraped him off. Then I moved him into a stall, and, since it was close to dinner time, I went ahead and fixed his dinner. I wanted to work on desensitizing him to the clippers up near his poll again. One of the best ways to desensitize a horse to something, is to combine it with food as a reward. So, I put his grain meal in a feed pan on the ground in the stall. I turned the clippers on and let him have a bite of food. Then I approached his poll with the running clippers. He was nervous and tried to get away from me and the clippers, but I held on to his halter and managed to touch the clippers to his poll. As soon as he relaxed for just a second, I pulled the clippers away from him and al...