Baker training session 33 - spa day!
I worked with Baker on Friday this week. I ended up spending about 51 minutes with him, which is definitely longer than I usually recommend working with a young baby, but most of that time was spent with him standing in the cross ties drying off while I did other little barn chores. We started out with another bath. This time I tied him straight to the tree with a quick release knot. He has been so respectful about being tied (*knocks wood), and he was completely relaxed about bathing for most of his session last time, so I wasn't really worried about him doing anything this time either. And he didn't let me down - he didn't even startle when I turned the hose on, and was pretty quiet for the majority of the bath. This time, I even tried spraying his face. I used the very lightest setting on the spray nozzle. I think it's called the "mist" setting. I pointed the sprayer way up high, over his head, so the water rained down on him. ...